New Era Of Travel Ball!!!!

Join us for this once in a lifetime event. Being a successful athlete and ball player takes more than just throwing, fielding grounders, hitting in the cages, and playing in tournaments. Work with no plan is pointless.

Need direction? Come and learn how to navigate a career. Parents invest into your athlete and the time & money you put into their career  by making sure it’s with a purpose and direction.

Again, This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and a chance to learn from individuals who are currently professionals in their respective fields. The more information you have today the better off you will be tomorrow.

What you do on the field can only get you so far.  Come join us and set up a blue print for success with your student - athlete and learn more about the business of baseball.

More details to come…………….

Guest Speakers


Coach Arm s is considered by many to be Mr. International Baseball. With an impressive resume that has taken coach Arms all over the world, he comes to our camp with a valued perspective on how baseball is to be played.

Coach Arms has coached in the New Professional league in Dubai called Baseball  United. He was a coach for the Pakistan Federation Baseball Team that partook in the World Baseball Classic Qualifiers and received his first win as a head coach. Coach Arms also coached in the Asian Baseball Championship games along with being the Pitching coach for Cety’s Universidad in Tijuana, Mexico.

Having Coach Arms involved adds more flavor to the Prepare the Youth Camp. Registration is now open and split payment will be accepted until April!!! Sign up now while spots are still available.